
VIDEO AFRICA by Verdant Capital

Given the increasing restrictions on travel in most countries, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some impact on cross-border flows of investment are inevitable. However, Verdant Capital is committed to maintaining its funding initiatives for its clients as pro-actively as possible. In fact, the work of specialist banks, microfinance banks, microfinance institutions, and fintechs in facilitating credit to the real economy in Africa is now more important than ever. Over the last five years, Verdant Capital has arranged for clients each year in early May one-one-one investors meetings in London. In 2020, May 5 to May 7, Verdant Capital is hosting […]

CBN widens activities of Microfinance Banks

The Central Bank of Nigeria (“CBN”) has updated its Revised Supervisory and Regulatory Guidelines for Microfinance Banks (“MFBs”) in Nigeria to support their continued development and sustainability. A recent financial sector report published by the CBN concluded that the MFB sector is facing headwinds, including increased competition (for origination and deposits) and increasing credit risk. This is considered the case, especially for the smaller institutions. With these conclusions in mind, in early March the CBN announced a new minimum capital requirement for MFBs, while also splitting the categories of licences from three into four. The new minimum capital structure, states […]

“Impact in Action” at Verdant Capital

Verdant Capital’s clients continue to translate social intent into real-world impact. To ensure it properly supports their impact objectives – and meaningfully aligns and contributes to best practices – Verdant Capital is continually enhancing its industry collaboration: CERISE SPI4: The SPI4 social audit tool, overseen by French NGO CERISE, assists financial institutions to better evaluate their implementation of the Social Performance Task Force’s “Universal Standards for Social Performance Management”, including the Smart Campaign’s Client Protection Principles. The tool is now an industry standard. Verdant Capital participated in the SPI4 Steering Committee developing the new web-based tool, comprised of leading industry […]